
What is Splenectomy? 

Splenectomy is the operation to remove one of the essential parts of the immune system, which is the spleen.

How is Splenectomy surgery done? 

During the splenectomy operation, a cut is made at the center of the abdomen as the first step. Then, the muscles and tissues are being taken aside to reach the spleen. As the last step, the spleen is being removed and the cut is stitched back. 

The reasons for having Splenectomy

The main reasons for getting a splenectomy are ruptured spleen, enlarged spleen, cancer, infection, and blood disorder.  

Before the Splenectomy operation

Ahead of the operation, patients might get blood transfusions if they necessitate more blood cells in their bodies. It might also be recommended to get a pneumococcal vaccine to avoid infections. 

After the Splenectomy operation

Following the splenectomy, the patients are expected to get a rest of at least a month to recover. The patients might be required to avoid bathing for a while after the operation to make sure the healing process is not compromised.

What are the risks of Splenectomy?

Some of the possible risks that can be observed with the splenectomy are bleeding, injury and infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can you live after splenectomy?

While it is difficult to come up with a definite life expectancy following the splenectomy, the studies show that the quality of life improves remarkably after the operation.

What is the most common complication of splenectomy?

The most common risks that can be seen with splenectomy are infections.

What happens when you have your spleen removed?

Following the spleen removal, the functions of the spleen are usually taken over by the rest of the organs in the body. That being said, the possibility of getting ill increases as your immune system is compromised. 

Can you drink alcohol after a splenectomy?

The patients are recommended to not consume alcohol for a day after the splenectomy surgery.

What organs take over after a splenectomy?

The organs that replace the spleen after its removal are usually the liver, and lymph nodes.

Please contact us to get more information on Splenectomy operations within minutes.


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