Ureteral reimplantation surgery

What is Ureteral reimplantation surgery? 

Ureteral reimplantation surgery is the operation to relocate the tubes between the bladder and the kidneys to treat reflux, a condition that is seen in children.  

How is Ureteral reimplantation surgery done? 

The operation is done under general anesthesia. The operation is done by a pediatric urology surgeon and lasts for a few hours. A cut is done through the lower abdomen. Then, the surgeon reimplants the tube’s connection to the bladder by forming a new tube. 

Before the Ureteral reimplantation surgery operation

Children older than 1-year-old should avoid eating any hard foods and drinks except for water a night before the surgery. Babies under the age of 1 year old can be breastfed up to 4 hours until the operation.

After the Ureteral reimplantation surgery operation

Following the operation, the children might be recommended to be hospitalized for a few days, depending on the advice of the doctor as well as the preference of the family. The children might also be advised to not take a bath for a few days. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the success rate of ureteral reimplantation surgery?

Studies show that the success rate for ureteral reimplantation surgery is about 95%. 

How long is recovery from ureteral reimplantation surgery?

It takes about two weeks to recover from the surgery.

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