
What is Urostomy?  

Urostomy recovers the problems in urinary drainage by enabling urinary diversion through a surgical operation.

How is Urostomy surgery done? 

A cut is made on the belly of the patient during the operation. Then, a part of the intestine is utilized to allow urine drainage through it. A Urostomy bag is provided to the patients to use during urination. 

The reasons for having Urostomy

Urostomy is done in cases of serious issues with the bladder such as bladder cancer which would damage the bladder from functioning properly. 

After the Urostomy operation

Following the operation, patients might experience gas abundance, and shrinking in the stoma, both of which are completely normal. It takes about two months for the recovery process to be completed. Until then, the patients are advised to get rest and avoid work. 

What are the risks of Urostomy?

Skin irritation, infection, and pneumonia can be listed as the complications that can be observed with a urostomy. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you still urinate with a urostomy?

Yes. Through the urine no longer goes through the bladder, it leaves the body through another opening, and a urostomy bag is used to collect the urine. 

What causes a urostomy?

Chronic conditions, trauma, and several illnesses might be the reason behind urostomy.

Why would you need a urostomy bag?

A Urostomy bag is used to collect the urine that is coming out of a different opening than the urethra. 

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