
What is Abdominoplasty? 

Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is the name given to the procedure that takes off the extra fat from the abdomen and stiffens the muscles in the area. The Overall aim of the operation is to create a more slim and slick figure, especially around the belly. Even though it creates a slimmer figure, the operation cannot be considered as a way of weight loss, as it does not decrease the number of weight an individual has. Still, the pictures of abdominoplasty before and after often reveal a major change in the appearance of the patients. 

How is Abdominoplasty surgery done? 

Abdominoplasty procedures often take place under general anesthesia. There are multiple abdominoplasty operations out there and the patients should pick the right one for their condition under the supervision of their doctor. 

The first type of abdominoplasty is referred to as “complete abdominoplasty” and is often preferred by patients who need major fat removal. In this operation, the surgeon cuts a line around the bikini line and then reshapes the area by operating the muscles and the skin on the area to remove the extra fat. An additional cut is being made around the belly button as well, as the extra fat around it should be removed during the process as well, while it will also need a replacement by the new shape of the abdominal. This operation can take up to five hours, depending on the patient. 

The second type is referred to as mini abdominoplasty, which is often preferred by patients who have a minimal amount of extra fat that is desired to be removed. Since the fat that is needed to be extracted is small in amount, the cut itself also becomes smaller than the one in the complete abdominoplasty. In mini abdominoplasty, the belly button usually does not require a replacement. This procedure takes between 1-2 hours. 

Lastly, there is circumferential abdominoplasty, which is often preferred by patients who have excess fat in their back area and want it to be removed as well. Although some patients prefer to get rid of the extra fat in the back through liposuction, others choose circumferential abdominoplasty to have an operation not only in the front but also in the back. The back area includes the hip as well.

Who can have Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty can be done on everybody who does not have any contradictory diseases, who are not overweight and yet is not comfortable with the sagging skin or extra fat they have on their abdomen.

The reasons for having Abdominoplasty

The incidents such as extreme weight gain, weight loss, or childbirth can often end up with loose skin on the body, often around the belly area. The presence of loose skin can cause some deformity and patients may prefer to get rid of that part of their skin. Any extra fat on the belly can also be removed with abdominoplasty. Although liposuction can also be preferred in some similar cases, if the extra fat or loose skin in question needs a major operation, abdominoplasty is often the way to go. 

Before the Abdominoplasty operation

Before the operations, patients who are usually referred to stop smoking and consuming nicotine in general for a while as it might be an obstacle during the healing process. The patients are also required to eat healthy with a well-balanced diet before the operation since it has a positive impact on the healing process. If the patient is on medication, the doctor may require him/her to stop using the medicine for a certain time since it may thin their blood. 

After the Abdominoplasty operation

After the operation, the patient’s abdomen area is covered with bandages as the doctor requires him/her to be careful when sitting or in a sleeping position, providing necessary instructions on how to move the body to avoid pain. A corset is also being provided to the patients to be worn for four weeks following the operation.

The scar that is left from the cut usually recovers for the most part within 6 months to a year. However, it still leaves a mark. Heavy physical activity is usually not recommended for six weeks after the operation. However, to return to everyday life practices, including work, one week of resting is usually enough. 

Is Abdominoplasty harmful?

Abdominoplasty is considered a safe operation for the most part, with minimal pain caused on the patient. 

What are the risks of Abdominoplasty?

Even though it is a safe operation, abdominoplasty might have some complications afterward, just like most surgical operations. These complications can be briefed as to the post-surgery scar, bleeding, soreness, seroma, and asymmetry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the prices of Abdominoplasty operations? 

Abdominoplasty cost often differs between $3,500-$8,000. The price depends on different hospitals and patients. 

What is the difference between a tummy tuck and Abdominoplasty?

There is no difference between abdominoplasty and tummy tuck. The tummy tuck is the common reference to the operation while abdominoplasty is the medical term. 

How much weight can you lose with Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is not a weight loss procedure. Naturally, the weight loss after the operation is often very minimal, ranging between 5-10 pounds (2,5-5 kilograms).

How long does a tummy tuck last?

The lasting impact of a tummy tuck depends on the lifestyle choices of the patient. If a healthy lifestyle is being adopted with a balanced diet and exercise habits, the tummy tuck can last for decades, even for a lifetime. However, the contrary choices may lead to the tummy tuck being reversed in a short time.

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