
What is Appendectomy? 

Appendectomy is the emergency surgical operation to remove the appendix after an infection causes acute appendicitis.  

How is Appendectomy surgery done?  

During the operation, an incision is made on the belly, which is followed by putting the muscles on the abdomen aside. Then, the appendix is being removed. If the appendix has burst, the area is being cleaned out with saline. 

The reasons for having Appendectomy

The symptoms of appendicitis are the main reason for getting an appendectomy since they require an emergency interference to avoid the appendix from bursting. These symptoms are soreness, swelling, and infection. 

Before the Appendectomy operation

Ahead of the operation, the patients are expected to not eat and drink for about 8 hours,

After the Appendectomy operation

Following the operation, the patient might be hospitalized for one or two days. However, they can return to their daily routine within a couple of weeks. 

What are the risks of Appendectomy?

Some of the complications that can be seen with appendectomy are bleeding, infection, and blocked bowels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is appendectomy a major surgery?

Yes, appendectomy is major surgery.

How long does it take to recover from an appendectomy?

It takes about a month to completely recover from the appendectomy.

How painful is appendix surgery?

Patients might experience some pain following the surgery, especially at the incision sites.

Do and don'ts after appendix surgery?

The patients are recommended to drink a lot of water after the operation and get rest as much as possible. They are also recommended to avoid a fast-paced lifestyle and an unhealthy diet.

How many hours does appendix surgery take to do?

The entire operation lasts about an hour.

Please contact us to get more information on Appendectomy operations within minutes.


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