Asymmetry Correction

What is Asymmetry Correction? 

Asymmetry correction is an umbrella term for correcting any irregularities on certain parts of the body. Although any body part can be the subject of this procedure, breasts and face organs usually come to the forefront as the areas that individuals often apply for a correction. Through asymmetry correction, a balanced appearance is achieved in these areas.

When it comes to breast asymmetry correction, multiple conditions can be fixed including breast hypertrophy, breast hypoplasia, unilateral breast ptosis, breast positional asymmetry, areolar asymmetry, and tuberous breast deformity. 

As far as facial asymmetry is concerned, the asymmetry correction can be effective in correcting volume loss, volume excess, and lack of nerve sensation.

How is Asymmetry Correction surgery done? 

There are multiple techniques to correct breast asymmetry. The first one is breast augmentation with implants, during which the surgeon is balancing the two breasts’ sizes by using implants. In a breast lift, the surgeon corrects the sagginess of the breasts that often occur following giving birth or a major weight loss process. In breast reduction, the size of the breasts is re-adjusted while the breast positions are also re-balanced. In tuberous breast correction, the breasts are not only re-shaped but also achieve areolar balance. 

When it comes to correcting face asymmetry, one of the most preferred surgical techniques is botox, since it restricts muscle movements. Other highly applied techniques are fat transfer and liposuction, which are highly useful in fixing asymmetry related to volume. Lastly, any face lifting technique can be used as a tool to correct face asymmetries. 

The reasons for having Asymmetry Correction 

We all have asymmetries on our bodies as it is very rare to find a person whose left profile matches the right profile. However, for some people, these asymmetries are more visible, even to the point of being regarded as a deformity in rare cases. Besides, there might be some external factors that can cause unnatural asymmetry in the body. 

Is Asymmetry Correction harmful?

Asymmetry correction operations are often regarded as mostly harmless.

What are the risks of Asymmetry Correction?

Some of the complications that might occur with asymmetry correction operations can be summarized as bleeding and infection. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you correct facial asymmetry?

Some facial asymmetry correction exercises might work on minor asymmetries. However, this method lasts for so long and it has no guarantee of success. Nevertheless, there are always facial asymmetry correction surgeries to come up with a definite result. Since asymmetries may also impact the function of the organs, especially the eyes, nose, and mouth, treatment is recommended. For Instance, for a lip asymmetry correction, you can have an asymmetry correction surgery.

Does sleeping on your side cause an asymmetrical face?

Yes. Sleeping on the same side all the time can weaken the muscles on that side and eventually might cause facial asymmetry.

What is breast asymmetry correction? How much is it?

Breast asymmetry correction is a cosmetic surgery that reshapes the breasts and balances them. Breast asymmetry correction surgery price differs from one hospital to another.

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