Brachial Dermolipectomy (Arm Lift Surgery)

What is Brachial Dermolipectomy? 

Brachial Dermolipectomy, also known as arm lift surgery, is a cosmetic operation during which the overabundance of skin on the upper arms is being extracted through surgery.

How is Brachial Derma Lipectomy surgery done? 

Dermal Lipectomy is done through cuts that are made on either the armpit or the inner parts of the elbow. The surgeon may also apply liposuction on the area, depending on the amount of the excess fat. Then, the incisions are aesthetically stitched back together to complete the operation.

The reasons for having Brachial Dermolipectomy

There might be multiple reasons to have a Lipectomy. The most prominent reason, however, is to get rid of the extra fat or skin between the armpit and elbow. Some of the other reasons can be briefed as improving the contour around the arm, bettering your proportion, getting rid of the scar tissue, and, last but not least, amping up your confidence level.

After the Brachial Derma Lipectomy operation

Following the Derma Lipectomy, the patient is expected to wear a specific arm brace for almost a month, maybe even more in some cases. The brace aims to limit harsh arm movement for a while after the operation to avoid any possible damage to the stitches. Smoking is also advised to be avoided for a while to speed up the recovery process.

The longevity of the recovery process differs from one patient to another as factors such as kin health are highly effective in determining how long it would take for an individual to be healed completely. Nevertheless, most patients are expected to be healed within 2-3 weeks. The patients are recommended to take a couple of weeks off to give themselves a recovery time.

What are the risks of Brachial Dermolipectomy?

The aftermath of Lipectomy may witness bleeding, and infection. There is also the possibility of giving a negative reaction to anesthesia since the operation takes place under general anesthesia. Still, the operation is often considered a low-risk one. The aforementioned side effects are only visible in 25% of the cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

How painful is arm lift surgery?

During the operation, patients may experience soreness and swelling, both of which are normal to have and expected to fade away within a couple of weeks after the surgery.

How long does arm lift surgery take?

The operation often lasts for about 3-4 hours.

How do you sleep after an arm lift?

Following the Lipectomy, the patients are advised to sleep on their back for a few weeks.

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