Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

What is BBL? 

Even though we hear the term “BBL” is used frequently, the question of “What is a BBL?” remains unanswered for many. BBL meaning is a fat transfer operation that is used for having rounder and fuller buttocks. The procedure enables individuals to have their desired buttocks without using any implants. The fat that is being transferred is provided by the other parts of the body and injected back into the buttock area. The operation reshapes the body as the individual’s body proportions change drastically, not only because of the renewed buttocks area but also because the excess fat in other areas is being removed.

How is BBL surgery done? 

During the operation, the first step is to remove the excess fat, usually from the hips, lower back, or abdomen through liposuction. Then, the removed fat is being refined by the doctors so that it is ready to be injected back to the body. Lastly, the extracted fat is transferred to the buttocks strategically for the desired look to be achieved. The operation often takes place under general anesthesia, although in some cases doctors may prefer to have local anesthesia as well. To avoid any rejection of the fat by the buttocks tissue, the doctors often prefer to inject a small amount of fat into the area to be safe, and then move on with the rest of the procedure.

The reasons for having BBL

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, it is difficult to achieve the look that we always have longed for. In some cases, no amount of exercise or diet is enough to reshape the body, which can be frustrating for some individuals. The reason behind this is our genetics. Genetics is the most definitive factor in determining our body shape, and exercise and diet can only work for achieving the best versions of ourselves, rather than completely shifting how we look. Naturally, if we would like to change something about our body, the way to go is often plastic surgery. When it comes to the buttocks, BBL is one of the most prominent operations that can completely modify the area. If an individual wants to have a more curved body, hourglass proportions, and more rounded buttocks rather than a flat one, BBL is usually the operation that is being preferred.

Before the BBL operation

Before having a BBL, the patients are often required to avoid being exposed to sunlight for two weeks, while also quitting smoking. The medication usage should also be stopped two weeks before the operation.

After the BBL operation

After the BBL operation, patients are often required to not sit on their buttocks for approximately two weeks, while sleeping on their side. Following this process, a “donut” or pillow will be provided to the patient so that he/she can sit on it for about two months. A week after the operation, most patients can go back to their daily routines. It takes about six months for the patients to fully recover following the surgery. 

Although all these steps seem difficult to follow and handle, the impacts of BBL often last for a lifetime. BBL after 10 years remains to be as fresh as it was on the first day for most patients. However, radical weight changes might cause the operation to lose its impact on the body, and thus, patients are often recommended to have a more or less stable weight. 

Is BBL harmful?

BBL is not more dangerous than any other plastic surgery operation, even though there might be some side effects of the surgery.

What are the risks of BBL?

Some of the risks of the BBL can be summarized as scarring, pain, under skin swellings, infections, and - on rare occasions, - fat embolus in the heart that might have fatal consequences.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a Brazilian butt lift cost?

BBL prices often vary between hospitals and patients, However, the general range of the prices is often between $8,500-$14,500.

How long does a Brazilian butt lift last?

BBL can last for long years after the operation. The full impact of the operation often becomes apparent six months after the operation. And then, depending on the patient and the procedure, the lasting effects of the BBL can be present for either months or years to come.

How much do you have to weigh to get a BBL?

The patients are often recommended to have 20-30 pounds more fat than their ideal weight since a remarkable amount of extra fat is needed for the BBL operation. However, whether there is the necessity of gaining weight or how much weight a patient needs to gain are topics that should be determined by the expert doctor specifically for each individual.

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