Breast Lift

What is a Breast Lift? 

Breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is one of the most popular plastic surgery operations of the past couple of decades. It attempts to provide a new breast contour by reshaping the breast tissue.

How is Breast Lift surgery done? 

Breast lift operations take place under general anesthesia. To lift the breasts, the surgeon makes incisions on the breast tissue. Three types of incisions are often preferred by doctors, which are around the areola, vertically down from the breast crease, and horizontally along the breast crease. Following the incisions, the surgeon lifts the underlying tissue and reshapes it to tighten the skin. Then, the nipple is repositioned to a new height that will mimic more youthful breasts. As the last step, the excess tissue is being extracted and the leftover skin is tightened while the cuts are being stitched back. The size of the incisions differs from one woman to another as the anatomy of the breastworks is the determinant in the process.

The reasons for having Breast Lift

Some of the most common reasons to have a breast lift are pregnancy, breastfeeding, a major change in weight, and aging, all of which might cause sagginess in the breasts.

Before the Breast Lift operation

Ahead of the breast lift operation, the patients are expected to stop consuming some specific medications such as aspirin. It is also mandatory to stop smoking a month before the operation as it can cause an obstacle to the healing process.       

After the Breast Lift operation

After the breast lift operation, the patients can engage in exercise within 1,5 months. It is recommended to take a break from work for a couple of weeks and avoid heavy exercise and sexual intercourse at the same period.

What are the risks of Breast Lift?

The complications with the breast lift operation can be summarized as bleeding, infection, scars, and temporary loss of sensation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a breast lift last?

Breast lifts do not guarantee lifetime results. Nevertheless, the results often last for about 15 years.

How much does a breast lift cost?

The average breast lift price is ranging between  $4,693 and $16,500.

How painful is a breast lift?

Even though the aftermath of the process witnesses some pain, the level of the pain is often regarded as moderate. 

Do you lose a cup size with a breast lift?

Yes. The breast lift often ends up reducing the breast size by about one cup. Breast lift before and after photos reveal the difference that the operation makes.

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