Bunion Surgery

What is Bunion Surgery?

Bunion surgery, which is called "hallux valgus" in medicine, means bone protrusion in the foot, it is a common orthopedic disorder. It is a bone protrusion seen with the rotation of the angle between the comb bone and the finger, which should be 7-8 degrees, and it is painful. Its degree changes with the condition of turning inside the thumb. Surgical intervention is required when it rises above 30 degrees. Although it may seem like a visual problem at first, it can lead to calcification of the thumb joint later on.

What are the Causes of Bunion Surgery?

Genetic predisposition is one of the primary causes. The use of narrow, pointed or high-heeled shoes, short tendons, flat feet or scalloped feet, weakness in the tissues, excess weight, standing for a long time, and rheumatoid arthritis are among the causes of bunion disease.

What Are the Symptoms of Bunion Surgery?

Changes in the appearance of the foot, pain and inflammation around the bunion bone, swelling and redness of the foot, numbness and tingling, difficulty in walking are among the most common symptoms.

How is Bunion Surgery Diagnosed?

A specialist doctor can diagnose by examination. However, x-rays are needed to determine the bunion grade.

How Is Bunion Disease Treated?

Foot exercises and physical therapy, use of shoe expander molds, pain relievers, avoiding standing constantly, applying cold to the painful area are some of the treatment methods. However, if the pain does not subside, surgical intervention is the only option.

How Does Bunion Surgery Happen?

The surgery is usually performed with local anesthesia. The distressing bone is removed and restored. In severely advanced cases, treatment is provided by freezing the thumb joint.


Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Degrees of Bunion Surgery?

In the degrees determined by x-ray, it is seen as 1st degree between 15 and 20°, that is mild, at 21 and 39° as 2nd degree, and above 40° as 3rd degree.

How Many Days Will You Stay in the Hospital After Bunion Surgery?

1 day hospitalization is provided.

How Should It Be After Bunion Surgery?

A few hours after the operation, the patient is walked in special shoes. In order to shorten the healing process, swelling should be prevented as much as possible. The foot is kept above the heart level for 3 days. Try to press on it as little as possible. The given exercises should be done without interruption.

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