Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery?

It is the most common impingement neuropathy. The carpal tunnel consists of 8 carpal bones that cover it. Carpal tunnel syndrome, generally causes pain and numbness in hands.

Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

It can occur without any reason. It is also observed that it is formed by the narrowing of the tunnel volume. Among the causes of narrowing of the tunnel formation is rheumatoid arthritis. Congenital carpal tunnel stenosis is seen. Thyroid and diabetes can also cause this symptom. Doing the same jobs in front of the computer all the time, washing dishes, and jobs that require repetitive movements such as carpentry are also risk factors for carpal tunnel diseases.

What Are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Numbness, tingling and swelling in the hands during sleep are the causes of carpal tunnel surgery. Those with this syndrome often need to shake and shake their hands. In advanced cases, it is observed that patients cannot grasp any object.

Who Gets Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

 Since there is compression of the nerve in the wrist, it is seen in those who force this area too much. The 40-60 age group is the predominant risk group.

How Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosed?

A definitive diagnosis can be made with an EMG test. An EMG test can detect nerve compression by measuring the voltage of the nerve.

How Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery Performed?

The operation is in the form of widening the narrowing tunnel. By expanding the pressing tissues, the area with nerve compression is opened. Local anesthesia is applied. The patient is not put to sleep. It is a short-term process. You can be discharged on the same day. In patients treated with platinum, the length of stay in the hospital will be 1 day longer, as a drain is placed in the area. Patients with complaints such as diabetes and blood pressure are kept under extra observation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is Surgery Necessary in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

It is very important to treat the syndrome without damaging the nerve in the syndrome, which is known as nerve compression among the people. The erosion of the narrowed tunnel causes more dangerous consequences in the future. It is necessary to operate without damaging the nerves.

What Should Be Considered After Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery?

It is very important not to touch the area with water for 15 days after the surgery. It is recommended to use gloves in cases where it is necessary to be using water.

What Should Be Considered To Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

It may be genetic in some people. Weight should be considered. Regular swimming protects against carpal tunnel syndrome. Sudden and heavy movements should be avoided.

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