Cauliflower Ear

What is cauliflower ear surgery? 

Cauliflower ear is the condition that takes place after trauma on the auricle which causes blood accumulation and eventual blood flow disruptions. The worst cauliflower ear is often seen on sportsmen such as boxers and wrestlers as they are at high risk of having a traumatic hit. Cauliflower ear surgery treats the condition since the condition can cause tissue damage and permanent deformity if left untreated.

How is cauliflower ear surgery done? 

Cauliflower ear surgery aims to relieve the obstruction of blood in the ear. It is a small-scaled, but also delicate operation in which the doctor engages in otoplasty. In other words, the surgeon makes a small cut and drains the blood. Then, the deformed tissue is being removed. In some cases, the remaining tissues might need to be stitched with each other. A bandage might also be used to cover the area properly and put a press on it. 

The reasons for having cauliflower ear surgery

Cauliflower ear is a condition that can be the result of many conditions, from a hit to the ear to an infection. Naturally, it can be seen more often than expected on the patients. The blood clot that is caused by the condition often causes the cartilage to die, and create a deformed look on the ear. To avoid any permanent problems, individuals should have cauliflower ear surgery. The cauliflower ear surgery before and after photographs reveal how impactful the operation is.

After cauliflower ear surgery

The bandage that covers the ear might be required to stay on for multiple days after the surgery. Besides, the patient should be under the regular monitoring of the doctor as infections might occur in the era during the post-operation process. Antibiotic usage might also be recommended by the doctor.

Is cauliflower ear harmful?

Yes. The deformity that is left on the ear might be the first harm of the condition that comes to mind. However, deformity is not the only possible outcome of cauliflower ear. The condition also might lead to ear ringing and even hearing loss if being left untreated.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does cauliflower ear go away?

If left untreated, the impact of the cauliflower ear quickly becomes permanent. However, otoplasty enables patients to reverse the possible negative effects of the condition.

Does cauliflower ear hurt forever?

Although during the first few days of the condition there is often constant pain, after a while, the pain goes away.

What causes cauliflower ears?

Any direct hit or trauma to the ear might cause cauliflower ears.

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