Degenerative Disc Disease

What is Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degenerative disc disease is the degeneration of the disc tissue in the spine, the decrease in the amount of fluid in it and the looseness of the joints. 3 stages are observed in the degenerated disc. First, the disc is damaged, then the distance decreases and looseness occurs in the disc, and thirdly, it becomes difficult to move. Disc damage may appear in the form of numbness, numbness, and loss of strength in the limbs. Pain attacks that seriously reduce the quality of life make it difficult to move. The diagnosis can be made exactly with MRI.

Causes of Degenerative Disc Disease

Disc diseases are generally age-related. However, physical structure, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hereditary factors, a tiring work life, sedentary work at the desk and smoking are also among the factors that affect disc use. According to studies, it has been noted that muscle strength is lost significantly during the time spent without any movement and it takes 6 weeks to regain it.

How Does Degenerative Disc Disease Surgery Happen?

If the pain is not relieved with pain relievers, the nerves in the disc are burned with the electrode method and the discs are intervened with electrothermal therapy. Orthopedic surgeries called fusion can also be preferred in patients with severely reduced disc height and damaged vertebrae. In these surgeries, the damaged disc is removed and the bone tissue is frozen with the help of cages.


Frequently Asked Questions

Before Degenerative Disc Disease Surgery

The priority in the treatment process is to relieve the pain in the painful area and early diagnosis is very important. It is necessary to rest and take a break from strenuous daily activities. However, prolonged rest is not recommended. Lying for a long time can cause stiffening of the spine. Ice application is also among the preferred methods from time to time. Thus, pain relief can be achieved with numbness in the inflamed area. If the pain is caused by the help of narcotic painkillers, it is expected that the pain will be relieved by physical therapy if it is more advanced. The exercises also strengthen the muscles. In this process, light sports such as yoga, swimming, walking, tai chi can be recommended. Posture training is also an effective way to treat. Weight is among the factors that negatively affect the treatment process. The patient should lose weight in a controlled manner.

Are Degenerative Disc Disease Surgeries Risky?

First of all, it is very important that these surgeries are performed by a specialist team and that the hospital is equipped. You can avoid risks only by choosing a surgeon.

How Long Does It Take to Return to Daily Life After Degenerative Disc Surgery?

Depending on the type of surgery, the healing process varies from 1 week to 3 months.

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