Eyebrow Lift

What is Eyebrow Lift? 

Eyebrow lift also referred to as a forehead lift, is a procedure that witnesses the diminishing of the deep wrinkles on the forehead by upbringing the eyebrows.

How is Eyebrow Lift surgery done? 

During the operation, the surgeon gives anesthesia to the patient first to provide a more comfortable surgical experience. In the classic eyebrow lift procedure, a cut is made through the top of the ear to the hairline. This cut reaches the other ear, enabling the surgeon to lift the forehead skin and modify its tissue to provide a proper eyebrow lift. Then, the cuts are stitched back either through sutures, skin adhesives, or special clips. 

The reasons for having Eyebrow Lift

Aging can be pointed at as the main reason why people want to have an eyebrow lift. Since the natural process of aging often causes eyebrows to lower, reduces the space between the eyes and the brows and leads to the loss of skin flexibility, people at older ages tend to demand an eyebrow lift more. That being said, there are also other reasons for having an eyebrow lift, including lower eyebrows that create a sad, angry, or tired look on the face. Saggy upper eyelids are yet another reason why people want to have an eyebrow lift. Eyebrow lifts before and after photos reveal the impact of the procedure on a person’s face. 

Before the Eyebrow Lift operation

Ahead of the operation, the patients are required to stop smoking and consume blood-thinning medication.  

After the Eyebrow Lift operation

Following the eyebrow lift operation, the surgeon might wrap the forehead up with a bandage to reduce the swelling. The bandage is often removed within three days after the operation. The stitches, however, are removed approximately 10 days after the procedure. The patients are expected to take care of the cuts that were made during the incision. For the cuts to be recovered properly, the patients are advised to rest with their head up, use cold compress regularly and shun any harsh pressure on the incisions.

What are the risks of Eyebrow Lift?

Some of the complications that might occur with the eyebrow lift procedure are scarring alterations in skin feeling, brow asymmetry, and hair issues. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does eyebrow lift last?

The impact of eyebrow lifts often lasts for about 12 years. However, with a proper skincare routine and a healthy diet, the lifetime of the operation can be longer. 

How do they do an eyebrow lift?

An eyebrow lift is a procedure that takes place under anesthesia. During the procedure, strategic incisions are made around the forehead so that the surgeon can adjust the tissue of the eyebrows and elevate them properly.

Is a brow lift painful?

An eyebrow lift is not regarded as a particularly painful operation. That being said, patients might experience mild numbness, and even pain at times. Still, within two weeks after the operation, these discomforts gradually diminish.

At what age should you get a brow lift?

Even though there is no determined ideal age to get an eyebrow surgery, most patients of the operation are at the age of 40-65. For the operation to show its impact, the impact of aging such as deep wrinkles should be visible on the forehead. 

How much does it cost to lift your eyebrows?

Eyebrow lift cost is around $3,900 on average. Nevertheless, this number does not include some additional services that are required while going through the procedure such as anesthesia.

Please contact us to get more information on Eyebrow Lift operations within minutes.

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