Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

What is Blepharoplasty? 

Blepharoplasty corrects any sagginess and deformities on the eyelids which are often the result of an aging process. 

How is Blepharoplasty surgery done? 

During the Blepharoplasty surgery, the surgeon usually works on the upper eyelid first by making an incision on the fold of the eyelid and extracting the excess skin. For the lower eyelid, the surgeon makes an incision right under the lashes and extracts the excess skin from there. This operation is often referred to as lower Blepharoplasty. In the case of an upper eyelid that droops too close to the pupil, a specific technique called ptosis might be preferred which delivers extra push to the eyebrow muscle. The operation usually takes place as an outpatient procedure.

The reasons for having Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is often preferred to correct the saggy eyelids. The operation enables the individuals to have an improved vision while providing a younger, more lively appearance. The procedure is also effective in removing the under-eye bags. Many patients undergo Blepharoplasty operation within the scope of another, larger-scale operation synch as a face-lift or brow lift. Blepharoplasty before and after results reveal the impact of the operation on the patients’ appearance. 

Before the Blepharoplasty operation

Ahead of the Blepharoplasty operation, the patients are required to stop consuming certain medications including warfarin, aspirin, and herbal supplements. Any medication that the patient uses should be examined and approved by the expert doctor. To have a smoother healing process, the patients are also required to stop smoking.

After the Blepharoplasty operation

Following the operation, the patients usually are transferred to a recovery room where they are kept under the monitor to avoid post-surgery risks. This process usually takes a few hours, as the patients are not required to spend the night at the hospital. The patients might experience watering eyes, double vision, numbness, swelling, or delicacy towards the light temporarily. To minimize these possibilities, the patients are recommended to use ice packs regularly following the operation.

Eye Drops are also advised as well as cleaning the eyelids gently in a regular timeline. Heavy physical activities are expected to be avoided for about a week, as well as smoking and rubbing the eyes. The contact lens usage should also be terminated for approximately a week.

What are the risks of Blepharoplasty?

Some complications that might occur with Blepharoplasty can be summarized as infection, irritation on eyes, scarring, discoloration, and temporary blurred vision. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average cost for blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty cost differs from one hospital to another. Nevertheless, the average price is generally expected to be around $3,026. Even though this price provides us an idea of what to expect in terms of the cost, it might exclude some additional service costs.

How long does a blepharoplasty last?

The results of blepharoplasty are expected to last for approximately 7 years when it comes to the upper eyelids. Lower blepharoplasty, on the other hand, may last up to 25 years and is less likely to require any follow-up operations. 

What is a good age for blepharoplasty?

Even though the surgery can be operated on everyone at any age, the experts usually advise individuals to wait until the age of 18. That being said, the majority of the patients who have blepharoplasty are older than 30.

Is blepharoplasty major surgery?

Yes. Although the commonness of the surgery creates a misperception as if it is an easy one, the operation might carry serious complications just like every other major surgery.

Are you awake during blepharoplasty?

While the patient may demand to have general anesthesia, usually the operation takes place under local anesthesia, meaning that the patients are awake during the surgery.

Please contact us to get more information on Blepharoplasty operations within minutes.

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