Treatment of Hernia

What is the Treatment of Hernia? 

Treatment of hernia may differ depending on the type of hernia. There are multiple types of hernia, such as inguinal femoral, umbilical and hiatal, most of which are treated through a laparoscopic surgical operation.

How is Treatment of Hernia surgery done? 

Treatment of hernia is done through an open surgical operation during which a cut is done near the hernia and the swollen tissue part is pressed through the abdomen. Then, the area is being stitched back, which is followed by the closure of the cut. 

The reasons for having Treatment of Hernia

The reason why people receive treatment for their hernia is the fact that if left untreated, the hernia can be throttled and harm the organs.

Before the Treatment of Hernia operation

Ahead of the operation, the patients are expected to avoid eating on the operation day.

After the Treatment of Hernia operation

Following the operation, the patients usually return to their daily activities within a couple of weeks. Moderate exercises can contribute to the healing process, though any heavy exercises should be limited for approximately a month.

What are the risks of Treatment of Hernia?

Pain, damage on the blood vessels as well as some internal organs can be listed as some of the risks with the treatment of hernia. The hernia can also reoccur one day, despite the treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best treatment for hernia?

The best, and only treatment for a hernia is a surgical operation.

Can hernia be treated without surgery?

Unfortunately no. While other methods such as wearing a corset can help limit the pain, they are not long-term solutions to the problem.

What is the main cause of hernia?

A hernia is caused by the pressure on a weak tissue, which can occur at any time in life.

How serious is a hernia?

The seriousness of a hernia depends on the type of the hernia. While some hernia types do not cause major pain, others require treatment as soon as possible.

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