Gastric Balloon 6-12 Months

What is Gastric Balloon? 

Gastric Balloon is an operation that is preferred by individuals who are desiring to lose weight. While the actual procedure lasts for about 15 minutes, the entire operation can last either 6 or 12 months depending on the patient’s demands.  

How is Gastric Balloon surgery done? 

The operation is done through endoscopy as a catheter filled with an intragastric balloon is being inserted from the mouth to the individual’s stomach. Then, the balloon is located in the stomach as the tube is being removed back. Depending on the patient’s preference and needs, the balloon stays within the stomach either for 6 months or 12 months. The balloon fills a large portion of the stomach so that the patients cannot eat more food than they need. 

The balloon that is designed to stay for six months in the stomach, which is known as the BIB, is usually recommended for individuals with the Body Mass Index (BMI) ranging between 30-50. It is good for individuals who want to keep their diet and weight back on track without the requirement of major interference. On the other hand, the balloon that is designed to stay in the stomach for 12 months, which is known as Orbera365, is recommended for people whose BMI is between 27-50 and have been struggling with their weight for long years with the inability to change their eating habits. 

The reasons for having Gastric Balloon

The main reason for having a gastric balloon operation is to create the feeling of fullness so that you cannot eat much, which would eventually end up in weight loss.  

Before the Gastric Balloon operation

Ahead of the procedure, the patients are expected to avoid eating and drinking for about 12 hours.

After the Gastric Balloon operation

Following the gastric balloon operation, the patients are expected to consume their food slowly with a lot of chewing movement. A healthy diet style is recommended with three meals in the day. The foods also should be consumed in limited portions. 

What are the risks of a Gastric Balloon?

Losing less weight than desired, having some uneasiness on the stomach, nausea, back pain, and problems with digestion can be listed as the possible risks of the gastric balloon. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much weight can you lose with a 12-month gastric balloon?

Patients often lose 9 to 22 kilograms within 12 months. The procedure itself is not enough to lose weight. The patients are expected to adopt a healthier lifestyle to accelerate the weight loss process.

How long does a gastric balloon stay in?

Gastric balloons stay either 6 or 12 months in the process, depending on the type that is being preferred. After the determined period, they are removed through an endoscope.

How many times can you get a gastric balloon?

A gastric balloon procedure can be done multiple times if your doctor decides that you need to have it for a longer period. However, every 6 or 12 months, the balloon should be replaced with a new version.

Who qualifies for the gastric balloon?

Usually, patients with a BMI higher than 30 are considered suitable for the gastric balloon procedure.

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