Treatment of genital warts

What is the treatment of genital warts? 

Genital warts treatment is the answer to the question of how to get rid of genital warts. As one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, genital warts damage the tissues around the genital parts. What do genital warts look like? They are usually very tiny bumps that are the same color as the tissue itself. 

How is treatment of genital warts done? 

In the genital warts treatment operation, the warts are removed through cutting off. Either laser or scalpels can be used as a tool to remove warts. 

The reasons for having Treatment of genital warts

Complications of HPV are common among people who are sexually active as most people tend to experience them at one point in their lives. Genital warts are also an HPV complication. 

After the treatment of genital warts operation

It takes about a month to completely recover after genital warts treatment. However, the patients can return to their regular daily activities after a couple of days. 

What are the risks of treatment of genital warts?

Skin irritation and pain can be listed as the most common complications with genital warts treatment. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 symptoms of genital warts?

Apart from being visually visible, genital warts can be determined through pain, bleeding, and itching on the genital tissue. These symptoms repeat until the treatment. 

How long do genital warts last?

Genital warts may go without treatment however this process can last for two years and the virus that caused the infection in the first place might be still in your body afterward.

Are genital warts curable?

While the treatment is effective in removing warts, it cannot eliminate the virus.

What is the fastest way to get rid of genital warts?

Genital warts treatment operation is the fastest way to get rid of genital warts. 

Please contact us to get more information on Genital warts operations within minutes.



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