Treatment of hydrocele

What is the Treatment of hydrocele? 

Hydrocele is the swelling on the scrotum caused by fluid abundance around the testicles. Hydrocele surgery fixes this problem. 

How is the Treatment of hydrocele surgery done? 

Hydrocele causes swelling on the testicles. It can be experienced by adult men as well but it is most common in baby boys. In baby boys, hydrocele can fade away by itself in time. Still, to make sure that hydrocele is not the symptom of another illness, a medical examination is highly recommended for every case. If the hydrocele does not disappear by itself, surgery can be performed where a cut is done through the lower abdomen and then remove the hydrocele. 

The reasons for having hydrocele

If left untreated, hydrocele can cause inflammation to the scrotum, as well as infections in the later life of the babies. In adults, the hydrocele can cause tumors and inguinal hernia.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best treatment for hydrocele?

The best treatment for hydrocele is hydrocele surgery.

How can I reduce my hydrocele without surgery?

Physical activity and a healthy diet can be beneficial in getting rid of hydrocele.

Does a urologist treat hydrocele?

Yes. Hydrocele is treated by urologists.

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