
What is Hymenoplasty? 

To define hymenoplasty, we need to first understand what is a hymen and what purpose it has in a woman’s body. The hymen is a tissue similar to an elliptic gum elastic that stands on the vaginal aperture. The structure of the hymen differs from one woman to another, as some of them can be more flexible or thick compared to others.

In terms of function, however, the hymen is useless since it has no real purpose in the body. Although traditionally people usually referred to it as a sign of purity in women, in truth, having a hymen does not guarantee virginity. Besides, 1 out of every 1,000 women does not have a hymen at all, once again proving the mistake of seeing the hymen as proof of virginity. 

How is Hymenoplasty surgery done? 

Hymenoplasty surgery is taking place under local anesthesia. The operation can hardly be classified as surgery since it is an outpatient procedure. The frayed skin pieces near the hymen are being severed during the operation. Then, the rest of the skin in the area is tied up, with only a tiny opening left behind. In case of the nonexistence of a hymen or lack of remaining tissue, the doctor creates a new one from either the vaginal mucosa or the artificial tissue. The entire operation usually lasts about 1-2 hours. 

The reasons for having Hymenoplasty

There might be multiple reasons behind having a hymenoplasty, from the desire to fulfill some cultural expectations to recovering an accidental tearing of the hymen. There are also medical conditions such as imperforate hymen, a septate hymen, and microperforated hymen. In the case of imperforate hymen, the vaginal opening is completely covered by the hymen. In septate hymen, the hymen might be too thick or divided into bands similar to strips. Similar to the imperforate hymen, microperforated hymen also refers to the situation in which the hymen has a very small hole, big enough only to initiate menstrual flow. 

After the Hymenoplasty operation

There are certain precautions that patients who took the hymenoplasty surgery are expected to fulfill after the operation. The first one is to not engage in sexual intercourse for about 1.5 months before the operation. The second one is to not wear underwear that is too tight for about two weeks after the surgery, as well as not using tampons for six weeks. Another important factor to know about the aftermath of the operation is the fact that there is no necessity to be hospitalized and the patient can return to her daily life the very next day. However, heavy exercise and lifting are not recommended. It takes approximately six weeks for the patient to fully recover. 

Is Hymenoplasty harmful?

Even though hymenoplasty is often regarded as a very safe operation, the patients may feel dizziness and pain for about three days following the operation. In case of experiencing any of these aforementioned symptoms, the patients should contact their doctors.

What are the risks of Hymenoplasty?

Some of the risks of hymenoplasty surgery can be summarized as itching, bleeding, unusual smell, and inflammation. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Hymenoplasty cost?

The cost of hymenoplasty can differ from one hospital to another. However, usually, the price range is between $1,500-2,000.

Is Hymenoplasty surgery painful?

No. Since it is being operated under local anesthesia, the hymenoplasty surgery causes no pain on the patient. 

What is the purpose of Hymenoplasty?

The reason why people want to have a hymenoplasty is to repair or reconstruct the hymen.

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