Hypospadias treatment

What is Hypospadias treatment? 

Hypospadias is an abnormal formation of the urethra that occurs as a birth defect in boys. Hypospadias repair is possible through a surgical operation. 

How is Hypospadias treatment surgery done? 

In hypospadias surgery, the doctor takes a tissue from another part of the body and forms it into a foreskin that will be placed on the urethra to increase its size. Through this operation, the urethra opening will be placed on the tip of the penis. 

The reasons for having Hypospadias 

The reasons behind forming hypospadias are not known but experts believe that certain genes can be impactful in getting one, combined with some environmental factors. Medications consumed during pregnancy can also cause hypospadias.

After the Hypospadias treatment operation

Following the hypospadias repair, the child might experience swelling and bruises on his penis which would recover within a few weeks. It takes about 6 weeks to completely recover. 

What are the risks of Hypospadias treatment?

Some complications that can be seen with hypospadias repair are leaking urine, hematoma, and scarring.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can hypospadias be corrected?

Yes. In most cases, one surgery is enough to repair the hypospadias.

Can hypospadias cause infertility?

Yes. If left untreated, hypospadias can cause infertility for men in their adulthood. 

Does hypospadias require circumcision?

Babies with hypospadias are not recommended to get circumcision before the repairment process since the foreskin is needed for the treatment.

What happens if hypospadias is not treated?

If left untreated, hypospadias might cause infertility, urination problems, and issues in sexual intercourse.

Please contact us to get more information on Hyspospadias operations within minutes.

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