
What is Calcification?

Calcification is a joint disease that occurs with the erosion of the cartilage tissue at the bone ends and is generally seen as chronic. It is also called osteoarthritis. It appears as hardening or stiffness in the organs with the accumulation and precipitation of calcium in the tissues.

Where Does Calcification Appear?

Since calcification is a joint disease, it can appear anywhere, but it is most common in the knees, hips, neck, heart valves, ears, chest, kidneys, brain and fingers. It is a type of disorder that is more common in patients over 65 years of age. Joint stiffness, swelling, noises while moving, and enlargement in the joints are the harbingers of calcification.

How Is Calcification Diagnosed?

Calcification is diagnosed by X-ray. Depending on the doctor's request, it can also be detected by blood tests, magnetic resonance imaging, tomography and blood tests.

How Is Calcification Treated?

Pain can be alleviated with physical therapy. Drug therapy is also among the effective methods. However, surgical interventions such as intra-articular injection may be required in patients who cannot be cured by drug therapy and physical therapy. If the calcification is in the heart valve, surgical treatment is absolutely necessary.

What should be done before calcification surgery?

Before the operation, diabetes, thyroid, blood pressure and other chronic diseases should be reported to the doctor and necessary tests should be done.

How Is Calcification Surgery Performed?

In calcification surgery, the inflammation in the area is cleaned first and the incision is made and the prosthesis is placed. Surgical intervention is performed by placing a TV camera into the joint with the arthroscopy method. The operation time is usually around 2 hours.

How Is It After Calcification Surgery?

The duration of movement is determined by the doctor and the exercises are done regularly. Blood thinners are used. Maximum attention should be paid to hygiene. The operated area should not be touched and the dressing should be done at the specified times.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is Calcification Surgery Risky?

Attention should be paid to the risk of infection during surgery. Hygiene measures should be taken at the highest level and a reliable and expert surgeon should be consulted. Another risk is weight. If the patient is overweight, losing weight can minimize the risk of surgery.

How Many Days Does the Patient Stand Up in Calcification Surgery?

The discharge time from the hospital is about 4-5 days.

How Many Days Can Be Returned to Normal Life in Calcification Surgery?

Depending on the complications of this patient, it takes up to 15 days.

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