
What is clitoroplasty?

Clitoroplasty takes place on the clitoris, which is a crucial component of a women’s vulva that initiates sexual pleasure. The operation is often preferred by transgender women who demand the creation of clitoris on their bodies. Cisgender women may also require clitoroplasty in cases of damage caused by female genital mutilation or congenital adrenal hyperplasia. 

How is clitoroplasty surgery done? 

The operation often takes place under local anesthesia. It lasts about an hour and is often regarded as a simple procedure. It takes about a couple of days for the patients to recover after the operation. However, individuals are often recommended to wait a bit longer to have sexual intercourse.

There are two types of clitoroplasty operation. The first one is clitoral hood reduction, in which the extra skin on the clitoris is extracted while the clitoris is being pulled up. After determining the desired size and look, the doctor tacks the clitoris back to its place. In another technique, surgeons might form a bend in the clitoral tunnel to diminish the clitoral hood. 

During clitoral reconstruction surgery, on the other hand, the doctors usually reshape the male penis and transform it into a vagina with a clitoris. In Other words, erectile skin is being removed from the penile glans during the operation while the length of it is diminished to a point that it looks like a clitoris. Clitoroplasty before and after comparison often proves the effectiveness of the operation.

The reasons for having clitoroplasty

A patient might demand to have clitoroplasty for both cosmetic or medical issues. In the latter, the patients often suffer from a damaged clitoris which requires restoration. Individuals with clitoral hypertrophy, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Enlarged clitoral hood, and Female genital mutilation might require medical clitoroplasty. 

Another group of patients who require clitoroplasty is often the transgender woman who are going through sex reassignment surgery. As a part of sex reassignment surgery, clitoroplasty constructs a brand new clitoris for the patient. At the end of clitoroplasty, the patients have a normal clitoris with full function.

What are the risks of clitoroplasty?

The risks of clitoroplasty can be briefed as bleeding, discoloration, apathy, infection, and tissue death.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you reduce the size of the clitoris?

Yes. Sometimes, hormone treatment might be enough to diminish the size of the clitoris. However, in other cases, clitoroplasty can be effective in reaching the desired results.

Can you restore a clitoris?

Yes. Especially in cases such as female genital mutilation the patients can have clitoroplasty to restore the damaged area.

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