Limb Lengthening

Limb Lengthening Surgery

Limb lengthening surgeries can be applied to legs and arms. It is divided into 2, depending on cosmetic and certain diseases. Although cosmetic limb lengthening surgery was not recommended in the past, it has become very common today and has been applied all over the world. People with one leg or arm shorter than the other or those with diseases such as dwarfism are in the other group. Extensions are made from the knee, shoulder, ankle and hip joints. Extension up to 8 cm can be achieved. Against the risk of complications, over 5 cm and below 4 cm are not preferred.

How Is Limb Lengthening Surgery Performed?

Limb lengthening surgery is a bone incision surgery. It is done with local anesthesia. First, the bone to be lengthened is divided into 2 parts. Devices and metals that will provide the axis to extend the bone are nailed. This device is adjusted to extend a total of 1 mm per day. As the space between the bones increases, the body produces new tissues and closes the space between them. After the controls of the specialist, the bone is fixed.

How Should It Be After Limb Lengthening Surgery?

It can be hospitalized for 3 days in arm lengthening surgeries and up to 1 week in lengthening surgeries. In procedures performed on the leg bone, the patient walks with crutches. The lengthening process is started after the 1st week. The healing process is faster in children. Children use the fixation device between 3 months and adults between 4 and 6 months. Physical therapy should be continued and calcium-based diet should be given.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is There Any Scar After Limb Lengthening Surgery?

Since this procedure is done with small incisions, there is no visible scar.

How Many Hours Do Length Extension Surgery Take?

These are processes that take up to 2 hours.

Can We Return To Our Natural State After Limb Lengthening Surgery?

Long lengthening surgeries are performed with a specialist surgeon and promise a healthy and natural appearance in procedures that have not developed any complications.

Who Performs Lengthening After Limb Lengthening Surgery?

The person himself or his relative can do the lengthening as the doctor teaches and recommends.

Is Limb Extension a Painful Procedure?

It is not a painful procedure. It is normal to experience pain that requires painkillers.

Can You Do Sports After Limb Lengthening Surgery?

After 6 months, the person can do sports as he/she wishes.

What should be the ideal age for limb lengthening?

Although it can be applied to patients of all ages, the ideal is 20 years and later.

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