
What is Mastectomy? 

Usually operated due to breast cancer, mastectomy removes the entire breast to treat cancer when all the alternatives have failed.  

How is Mastectomy surgery done? 

Performed under general anesthesia, mastectomy operation lasts about 90 minutes. During the operation, an elliptical cut is done around the breast, which is followed by the removal of the breast tissue. The overall procedure lasts about 4 hours.

The reasons for having Mastectomy

The most common reason for having a mastectomy is breast cancer, while other reasons such as chronic pain on the breast, or fibrocystic breast disease are also valid reasons to have a mastectomy.

Before the Mastectomy operation

Ahead of the operation, the patients are expected to avoid eating and drinking a night before the surgery, though they can have their regular medications as usual.

After the Mastectomy operation

Following the mastectomy operation, the patients can experience soreness for a couple of days. The wounds left by the surgery take a couple of weeks to recover while the full recovery can take a few months. 

What are the risks of Mastectomy?

Some of the risks that mastectomy may have are bleeding, pain, infection, swelling, and numbness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are nipples removed during a mastectomy?

Yes, during the mastectomy, the nipple is removed together with the rest of the breast tissue. 

Is a mastectomy major surgery?

Yes, mastectomy is a major surgery since it includes the removal of the breasts which is a pretty risky operation. 

How painful is a mastectomy?

Although it is normal to experience some pain after the operation, during the mastectomy surgery itself, the patients feel no pain since it is done under anesthesia.

What does a mastectomy scar look like?

Most scars left by mastectomy take the form of a line through the chest, while the shape of the line depends on the type of cut your surgeon uses.

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