
What is Nephrectomy? 

Nephrectomy, also known as kidney removal, can either remove the entire kidney or only a part of it.

How is Nephrectomy surgery done?  

Nephrectomy surgery can be done in two ways. In the first method, a cut is done on the abdomen and then the kidney is extracted. In the second method, multiple cuts are made and small tools are utilized, including a camera, to reach and take out the kidney. The operation is done under general anesthesia.

The reasons for having Nephrectomy 

Nephrectomy is often done to take out a kidney tumor to treat cancer. 

After the Nephrectomy operation

The patients can engage in minor physical activities but heavy exercise is forbidden for about six weeks after the operation. 

What are the risks of Nephrectomy?

Infection, bleeding, and pneumonia can be listed as the complications that can be seen with the Nephrectomy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is nephrectomy a major surgery?

Yes, Nephrectomy is major surgery.

Why would you need a nephrectomy?

Nephrectomy is done to remove the tumor from the kidneys.

How long is recovery from nephrectomy?

It takes about a month to recover after the surgery.

Is a nephrectomy painful?

After Nephrectomy, patients might experience mild pain and discomfort.

Please contact us to get more information on Nephrectomy operations within minutes.

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