Nose surgery (Rhinoplasty)


Nose job or rhinoplasty is a surgery to correct, resize or reform the nose in a desirable preferred shape. If anybody has the problem of breathing or his or her nose shape deformation like asymmetry, nose job can improve aesthetic appearance.

In e-Turkish Doctors we give you a free of charge consultation before coming to Turkey to have full information regarding your surgery needs and method. All top-rated doctors will help you to have personalized beauty care.

General Procedure for Nose Job.

  • General anesthesia
  • Given to the type of desired shape, you will have the surgery technique.
  • Post therapy and control before return flight
  • 7/24 supports for any needs after operation.


Closed Rhinoplasty :

incisions inside the nose  withouth any intervention of nose skins or form.

Open Rhinoplasty

incisions across the lower, mid columella and between the nostrils to lift nasal skin, nasal tip without any scars after recovery.

Why e-Turkish Doctors

We have the wide breadth of medical care services with 15 years of expertise, top notched facility, and best hospitals in Istanbul to support you in a deserved way, full of care and support until you arrived to home and continue your medical recovery.

  • FDA® Latest Technology
  • 7-24 support service
  • Detailed Consultation
  • Covid-19 Protocols
  • Professional Translator
  • Post-Treatment Support
  • Expert Medicals and Surgeons



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