Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

What is Rhytidectomy? 

Rhytidectomy, commonly known as a facelift, attempts to reverse the impact of aging on an individual’s face by tightening the face and neck tissue through a surgical operation.

How is Rhytidectomy surgery done? 

The surgeon usually starts the operation by making a cut from the hairline and following the face features through the ear in a way that it will end up at the hairline again. In case of the inclusion of the next to the process, an additional cut is made under the chin. As the next step, skin and the tissue under is being lifted and strained, which tightens the face and the jawbone. Then, the tissue is hung from the upper face and stitched horizontally to tighten the lower face as well. After the removal of the excess tissue, the skin is stitched back.

Multiple facelift operation types are preferred in different cases. The traditional facelift covers the area from the hairline to the below of the chin. This particular operation is often preferred by people who would like to reverse the aging process. The SMAS facelift, on the other hand, leaves the upper half of the face empty and only covers the lower two-thirds of it. Deep place facelift covers multiple parts of the face simultaneously by elevating the muscular layer, fat, and skin altogether as if they are a single unit. Mid-facelift only covers the cheeks, while mini-facelift (also known as lower rhytidectomy) focuses on the lower face and neck, which is particularly efficient in removing the saggy skin. Last but not least, a cutaneous facelift exclusively focuses on skin lifting. 

The reasons for having Rhytidectomy

Aging can be pointed at as the most prominent reason behind why people want to have a Rhytidectomy. The Procedure improves the look of the face by removing the impact of tiredness, stress, and aging. Besides, sagginess of the face skin, deep creases on the face, extra fat on the face, and loose skin might also be the reasons behind having Rhytidectomy.

Before the Rhytidectomy operation

Ahead of the Rhytidectomy, the patients are expected to consult their doctors on their medications and go through an overall medical evaluation. In addition, some products might be advised by the expert doctor to use on your skin as a preparation step for the operation. The patients are also required to stop smoking.

After the Rhytidectomy operation

Following the Rhytidectomy, the patient usually is transferred to an observation room to wait until having a stable condition that will enable him/her to leave the hospital. This process usually lasts for a few hours. The surgeon might cover the face with bandages to avoid swelling. The surgeon also provides necessary instructions to the patient on how to take care of the scarrings.

What are the risks of Rhytidectomy?

Some of the complications that might occur after the Rhytidectomy operation are infection, hematoma, numbness, temporary hair loss on the areas that have post-cut scarring, swelling, and discoloration. Besides, it is crucial to acknowledge the fact that Rhytidectomy does not stop aging, and cannot radically change facial features.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a rhytidectomy surgery?

Rhytidectomy is a surgical operation to have a younger appearance on the face by lifting the facial tissues. 

What is the common name for rhytidectomy?

Rhytidectomy is commonly known as a facelift among people. 

How much does a facelift cost?

The price for a facelift might differ from one hospital to another but on average, it usually costs $8,005. Still, this price refers only to the cost of the surgery itself and does not include additional costs such as anesthesia and other hospital services.

What is the best age to have a facelift?

Even though there is no ideal age to have a facelift, the operation is mostly impactful on people older than 40. For the operation to work, the aging process and the sagginess and wrinkles occurring with it should be visible on the face. 

Why do people get a rhytidectomy?

People are going through the rhytidectomy operation because they want to have a younger appearance that does not carry the baggage of stress or aging.

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