Treatment of Erectile Disorders

What are Erectile Disorders? 

To understand erectile disorders, one should first get to know the erection definition. Erection definition is penis’ being filled with blood as the blood vessels relax after being triggered by sexual arousal. Achieving a normal functioning erection requires the work and harmony of the brain, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. Erectile disorder can be defined as the inability to hold the erection and is experienced by 30 million men worldwide. While occasional erection problems are normal in male erection, regular erectile disorder is considered an anomaly and requires treatment. 

How are Erectile Disorders being treated? 

The first step in erectile disorder treatment is to be diagnosed with an erection problem. After being physically examined by your doctor, if there are some questionable situations, your doctor would direct you to a urologist to get an expert eye on the issue. To determine a male erection problem, the urologist may ask questions about your health, usage of medication, daily habits such as usage of alcohol, as well as questions regarding mental health such as your experience with anxiety and/or depression. Before the treatment, the doctor may require you to take a series of simple but necessary tests on your heart system and prostate. The requirements of these tests would differ depending on the patient’s age and family history.

Initially, non-invasive treatments are the way to go for erection problems. At the top of these treatments come the medication that is termed as phosphodiesterase type-5 blockers. These pills are usually effective in initiating male erection without any major issues. There is also testosterone therapy that comes to the forefront if the tests reveal low testosterone levels in the blood. Some of the other erectile disorder treatments can be summarized as penile injections, penile implants, vacuum erection devices, and intraurethral medication. As far as the young man is concerned, penile vascular surgery is also an option, especially if they have a history of pelvic trauma. 

The reasons for having Treatment of Erectile Disorders

There might be several reasons behind erection problems. For instance, the blood flow in the penis might be low, and the nerves might be damaged. Mental issues such as stress are also known to be a major factor that impacts male erection. Erectile disorders can also be an indicator of a more serious health problem such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease. The heavy consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, as well as other health issues such as obesity and lack of exercise, can also be the reasons behind erection problems. The erection problems tend to be seen more commonly among men over the age of 50.

Erectile disorders not only harms one’s sexual life but also impacts their self-esteem and mental health as it causes stress and depression. According to studies, men with erectile disorders are also more likely to have a heart attack. Therefore, the sooner the treatment is the better for the individual to not only increase the quality of his life and relationships but also to save him from experiencing more troubling health issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main cause of erectile dysfunction?

Erectile disorders can be the result of several mental issues, as well as some medications, and trauma. Several lifestyle choices can also trigger erection problems, from heavy consumption of alcohol to negligence of regular exercise. 

How do you fix erectile dysfunction?

Even though the ultimate way to fix the erectile disorder is to get professional help from an expert urologist, some other factors might be beneficial in treating the issue. For instance, changing your lifestyle by stopping smoking or using alcohol might be impactful, as well as losing weight and sleeping better.

Can erectile dysfunction be cured?

Yes. As long as you get a proper diagnosis and a reliable treatment schedule at the expert hands, erection problems can be treated. 

What is the fastest way to cure erectile dysfunction?

Applying to an expert urologist who will not only diagnose the problem but also provide treatment is the fastest way to get rid of the erection problems.

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