Diagnosis of Erection Disorders

How is Diagnosis of Erection Disorders done? 

Diagnosis of erection disorders can be done through physical examinations, blood tests, urine tests, and psychological exams. The most common test types are combined intracavernous injection and stimulation (CIS) test that utilizes penile injections to get a diagnosis.

The reasons for having Diagnosis of Erection Disorders

Erection disorders are recommended to be treated since they can be an indication of another disease including diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure, and Peyronie's disease. Erectile disorders also often cause individuals stress, anxiety, and relationship problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes a man not to erect?

There can be multiple reasons behind erectile dysfunctions including physical issues as well as mental ones such as anxiety.

What causes a weak erection in a man?

Older men tend to have weaker erections since their blood vessels are often failing in getting proper blood flows to the penis due to several health issues.

What does a urologist do to check for erectile dysfunction?

Urologists do blood and urine tests among others to diagnose erectile dysfunctions.

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