
What is Circumcision? 

Circumcision is the extraction of the skin at the top of the skin. The operation is mostly common for infants to get, but adults can go through the process as well though their surgery is more complicated.

How is Circumcision operation done? 

As far as the newborns are concerned, the circumcision operation usually takes place approximately within a week after the birth. The operation takes place under local anesthesia. The foreskin is removed through a plastic ring that is affixed to the penis. Then, the area is covered with a balm and covered with a compress. The entire process lasts about 10 minutes. Though the operation is similar to adult circumcision, their procedure often requires general anesthesia, which means the risks might be higher while the recovery process takes longer.

The reasons for having Circumcision

A lot of people want to get or want their sons to get, circumcision for religious reasons. However, religion is not the sole reason behind having a circumcision. Other possible reasons can be listed as easier hygiene, decreased risk of urinary tract infections as well as sexually transmitted infections, and avoidance of penile problems, including penile cancer.

Before the Circumcision operation

Ahead of the operation, the patients are required to write a consent form confirming they are wanting to get a circumcision or they want their son to get a circumcision.

After the Circumcision operation

Following the operation, the penis recovers within a week or so, while the tip of the penis might experience soreness, redness, and bruises during the process. As far as the newborns are concerned, the parents are required to pay extra attention to the baby to not put any pressure on his penis. The bandage should be changed every time the diaper of the baby changes, which should be often. The plastic ring on the penis usually falls off by itself within a week.

What are the risks of Circumcision?

Some complications that might occur with circumcision are the cutting of the foreskin too short, and the failure of the foreskin to recover.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is circumcision good or bad?

The answer to this question differs for everyone. However, in terms of the health perspective, the operation is favored by many since it reduces the risk of many penile problems.

What age is best for circumcision?

The circumcision procedure carries the least complications for newborns or infants who are under the age of 1, which makes it the best age for circumcision.

What is the point of circumcision?

There is evidence on the health benefits of circumcision, including the less risk of urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and penile cancer.

Can you get circumcised at any age?

Yes. Though the operation is more complicated for adults, any man at any age can get a circumcision.

Can circumcised skin grow back?

Unless the extra skin is being removed, the adhesions would come back constantly, creating an appearance as if the circumcision did not take place.

Is it painful to be circumcised?

If the procedure takes place under general anesthesia, the patient experiences no pain during the process.

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