Testicular Biopsy

What is a Testicular Biopsy? 

A testicular biopsy is an operation in which the doctor removes a small sample of testicular tissue. The operation is usually done to treat male infertility. The examination takes place under a microscope.

How is Testicular Biopsy surgery done? 

There are multiple ways to conduct a biopsy. As far as testicular biopsy is concerned, there are open biopsy and needle biopsy as the most common biopsy methods. In the open biopsy, the first step is to sterile the testicle through antiseptics and apply local anesthesia to the area. Then, a small incision is made to remove a sample of the testicular tissue. A stitch is made to cover up the aperture on the testicle while another one is made to cover up the incision. During the needle biopsy, on the other hand, a needle is used to take a small sample from the testicular tissue without having any incisions. In some cases, the doctors may be unable to conduct the needle biopsy.

The reasons for having Testicular Biopsy

A testicular biopsy can be done for multiple reasons. Through testicular biopsy, the doctors locate any lumps or testicular contusion, determine the reasons behind male infertility, while also providing some sperm for the in vitro fertilization. If a patient has remarkably low levels of sperm, low functioning sperm, or no sperm at all, testicular biopsy is usually the number one operation that the doctors recommend to come up with a proper diagnosis.

Before the Testicular Biopsy operation

Ahead of the testicular biopsy operation, the patients are expected to be open with their doctors about their health history, as well as the medications they use. 

After the Testicular Biopsy operation

Following the testicular biopsy operation, the patients may experience soreness in the area for a couple of days, as well as swelling and discoloration. During the recovery process, the patients are recommended to avoid sexual intercourse for a couple of weeks, wear an athletic supporter, try to preserve the area of the biopsy dry, and not consume aspirin for a week.

What are the risks of Testicular Biopsy?

Some of the complications that might occur with testicular biopsy are bleeding, hematoma, swelling, and fever.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a testicular biopsy painful?

No. Since the operation takes place under local anesthesia, only mild discomfort is being experienced by the patient. 

How long does it take to get results from a testicular biopsy?

The results of the testicular biopsy often come out within a couple of days, though in some cases it might take about 4 days. 

Do you biopsy testicular cancer?

A testicular biopsy might cause the cancer cells to spread further, which is why the doctors do not utilize testicular biopsy as a method of diagnosing cancer. 

Why can't you biopsy a testicle?

The reason why the doctors avoid testicular biopsy is to not take the risk of cancer cells spreading around.

How do I know if a lump on my testicle is cancerous?

Any testicular contusion or lump on the testicle should be examined by an expert doctor as soon as possible so that he/she can determine if it is cancerous or not.

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