Thigh Lift (Thighplasty)

What is Thigh Lift? 

A thigh lift, also known as Thighplasty, is an operation that attempts to remove any sagginess around the tights by removing the excess fat or skin in the region.

How is Thigh Lift surgery done? 

Thigh lift surgery takes place under general anesthesia. There are multiple types of thigh lift surgery. The first one is the inner tight lift, which is focusing exclusively on the skin on the inner thigh. The second one is the bilateral thigh, which is removing the loose skin around the front and outside of the leg. The third and last one is the medial thigh which is constraining skin on the upper region of the inner thigh. 

 In all these operations, incisions are made on the strategic points to lift the loose skin and improve the look of the thigh. The placements for cuts are determined before the surgery by the surgeon and marked on the body. Following the procedure, the incisions are stitched back together. Any post-surgery scars are hidden under the bikini line masterfully by the surgeon. Thigh lift scars after 1 year are less noticeable. Several drains are also placed strategically to drain any overabundance of fluids. The drains are detached after a few days. 

The reasons for having Thigh Lift

The thigh lift is often preferred by patients who have gone through a major weight loss procedure and thus need reshaping in the thigh part. Thigh lift before and after pictures reveal the impact of the operation on the body.

Before the Thigh Lift operation

Before the operation, the patients are expected to get a medical evaluation and stop smoking. It is also required to stop smoking and intaking any drugs that can trigger bleeding, including aspirin.

After the Thigh Lift operation

The recovery time following the operation differs from one patient to another. However, generally, patients are recommended to take a week or 10 days off to make time to recover. While the bruising fades away after a month, it takes almost six months for the patients to return to regular life activities. Although resting as much as possible is advised, for the most part, most doctors also recommend patients take short walks to speed up the healing process.

What are the risks of Thigh Lift?

Risks of the thigh lift operation can be summarized as asymmetry, bleeding, fluid accumulation, deep vein thrombosis, and infection. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a thigh lift last?

It takes about a year for all results of the thigh lift to be visible on the body. Afterward, the impact of the thigh lift is expected to last for years.

How painful is thigh lift surgery?

Although thigh lift is not regarded as a particularly painful operation, since it is major surgery, some amount of pain is expected to be experienced afterward.

Does thigh lift reduce cellulite?

Although thigh lift does not remove the cellulite as a whole, for the most part, it generally improves the look of it since the operation forms a smoother thigh appearance.

Do thigh lift scars go away?

It is unlikely for post-operation scars to go away completely. However, in time, thigh lift scars become less visible and noticeable in most cases.

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