Tip Plasty

What is Tip Plasty? 

Tip plasty, also known as nasal tip plasty, is an operation that aims at bettering the look of the tip of the nose. The operation exclusively focuses on the nose tip and has no impact on the other parts of the nose, including the nose bridge. 

How is Tip Plasty surgery done? 

The operation takes place under local anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small cut between the nostrils, elevates the skin in the area, fixes the tip, and then stitches the skin back. The fixation process usually focuses on trimming the cartilages of the tip to have a slimmer and lifted appearance to the nose. During the process, the nostril size can also be narrowed. The operation lasts for about 45 minutes.

The reasons for having Tip Plasty

The most common reason to have a tip plasty is to have a better-looking nose. That being said, asymmetry of the nostrils or any medical issues regarding the tip of the nose can also be the reason for having a tip plasty. The photos of tip plasty before and after prove the effectiveness of the operation on re-shaping the appearance of the nose.

Before the Tip Plasty operation

Ahead of the operation, the patients are required to let their surgeon know about the medications they use, as well as their overall health. The patients are also recommended to not consume any blood-thinning medicine and stop smoking. 

After the Tip Plasty operation

Following the tip plasty operation, the patients usually do not have any hard time recovering quickly. It takes only a week for most patients to return to their daily activities. The patients are required to clean and moisturize the inner part of the nose through a spray that is provided by an expert doctor. The patients might experience loss of sensation on their noses for a couple of months. It might take a year for the final results to properly show themselves. 

What are the risks of Tip Plasty?

Some of the complications that might occur with tip plasty operations are edema, bruising, and bleeding. Nevertheless, compared to other surgical operations, especially rhinoplasty, it is remarkably less likely for tip plasty patients to experience these risks. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Tip plasty easier than rhinoplasty?

Yes. Since rhinoplasty breaks the nasal bone of the nose, it takes a long time to recover from the operation and the overall process is likely to be more painful. Tip plasty, on the other hand, has an easier recovery and operation process.

How long does tip plasty take?

Tip plasty surgery often lasts for about 45 minutes. 

How much is the nasal tip plasty?

Tip plasty cost is between $7,000-$14,000 on average. 

How long does it take for tip swelling to go down?

After the tip plasty operation, it takes up to two weeks for the swelling of the tip to go down. 

How long does a nose tip lift last?

Tip plasty often lasts for a lifetime as it is regarded as a permanent solution, unlike the fillers which are effective for a year in maximum. 

Can you get a nose job for the tip of your nose?

Yes. Known as Tip plasty, Tip Rhinoplasty, or Tipoplasty, this specific operation only tackles the issues with the nose tip rather than changing the entire bone structure of the nose.

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