
What is Urethroplasty? 

The urethra is the urine canal starting from the bladder to the penis. Urethroplasty surgery is the operation to fix any scars on this channel. The urethra can be wounded for multiple reasons, from trauma to infections. Urethroplasty enhances the size of the canal and by doing so advances the urine stream.

How is Urethroplasty surgery done? 

During the urethroplasty surgery, the doctor determines the scar tissue and then extracts that specific area. Afterward, the remaining healthy tissues are stitched back together. In case of bigger scars, the surgeon might utilize healthy tissues from other parts of the body so that the removed section of the urethra can be replaced. Usually, a small drainage tube is placed on the area to accelerate the Urethroplasty recovery. The operation is done under general anesthesia.

 The reasons for having Urethroplasty

There might be multiple reasons behind having scar tissue on the urethra. Injuries, infections, or trauma can be counted as the most common reasons behind urethra scars, including sexually transmitted diseases. There is also an illness known as Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans, which causes white inflammatory patches to form on the urethra, all the way to the penis.

Scars on the urethra cause major discomfort for the individuals since they lead to slowed urine flow, bladder infections, and even pain. In some extreme cases, the patients can also experience the inability to urinate as a whole.

Before the Urethroplasty operation

Ahead of the urethroplasty surgery, the patients are expected to go through an x-ray test of the urethra channel, which enables the doctor to locate the injuries. The doctor might also require the patients to take other tests including the uroflow test and the cystoscopy. 

After the Urethroplasty operation

Following the urethroplasty surgery, the patients often experience swelling that lasts for a few weeks to get completely healed. During the urethroplasty recovery, the patients are required to avoid heavy physical activities until the small catheter is being extracted from the urethra. Urethroplasty recovery can witness some pain in the patients, which is likely to fade out within a week after the operation.

What are the risks of Urethroplasty?

Some complications that can be observed in urethroplasty patients are fistula, graft failure, graft contracture, and wound infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is urethroplasty major surgery?

Yes. Urethroplasty surgery takes 3 to 8 hours and is considered a serious operation. 

Why is urethroplasty done?

Urethroplasty is done to heal the scars on the urethra so that any problems caused by the scars, including the inability to urinate properly, can be treated. 

Is urethroplasty a permanent cure?

Yes. Urethroplasty is an effective operation that permanently removes the injuries on the urethra in most cases.

What is the success rate of urethroplasty?

Urethroplasty is considered a highly successful operation. The studies show that the success rate of urethroplasty surgeries ranges between 70%-99% among the patients.

How painful is a urethroplasty?

Although urethroplasty causes pain in most patients following the surgery, the pain itself is considered a moderate one that does not lead to major discomfort.

How much does a urethroplasty cost?

Urethroplasty costs usually are numbered around $5677–$10000, though numbers can differ from one hospital to another.

How common is urethroplasty?

Urethroplasty is not a very common operation as the studies show less than 2% of the hospitals conduct more than 20 urethroplasty surgeries within a year.

Please contact us to get more information on Urethroplasty operations within minutes. 

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