Urology Consultation

What is Urology Consultation? 

First of all, we need to answer the question “what is urology?” Urology is medicine expertise that tackles the issues taking place on the urinary tract of the human body. Individuals who experience urinary problems, from infections to cancer, should go through a urology consultation during which a diagnosis is made and the treatment process starts. Usually, the primary health carer of the patients directs them to the urologist in case of the observations of any urinary illness symptoms.

How is Urology Consultation done? 

Urology consultation is done by a urologist who usually receives an overall description of the patient’s case from the primary doctor. The urologist physically examines the patient for an advanced urology treatment. During this process, the main aim is to locate the root of the issue, which is why tests such as MRI scans and CT scans are being utilized. Cystoscopy is also highly utilized by urologists since it allows the doctor to take a look at the inner parts of the urinary canal, as well as take sample tissues from it. Usually, a standard urine test is also being done to see if there are bacteria in the area. In some cases, biopsy and urodynamic testing can also be done to get an understanding of how the urine flows as well as the pressure in the bladder.

The reasons for having Urology Consultation

Individuals who experience conditions such as hematuria, difficulty in urinating, feeling of burning while urinating, urine leakage, constant need to urinate immediately, and frail urine flow are recommended to go through a urology consultation to get advanced urology treatment. As far as men are concerned, conditions such as diminishing sexual desires, lump in testicles, or erectile disorders are also signs to get a urology consultation.

Before the Urology Consultation 

Ahead of the urology consultation, the patients are recommended to look up for their expert urologist, as well as the hospital they will take the treatment to receive an advanced urology service.

After the Urology Consultation 

Following the urology consultation, the next step is the treatment, which often starts with prescribed medications. The type of medication differs according to the symptoms and illnesses the patient experiences. If the patient has infections, for instance, the urologist prescribes antibiotics while in the case of prostate cancer, hormone treatment is the way to go. As far as erectile disorders are concerned, PDE5 inhibitors are provided by the doctor. In cases that cannot be treated with the medication, the urologist might prefer to conduct surgery. The urology operations can be either in the form of open surgery, laparoscopic, or laser therapy, all of which are effective in extracting tumors as well as kidney stones.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens at a urology consultation?

During the urology consultation, the patient’s medical history is checked, which is followed by a physical examination of the urinary system. The process aims to come up with a diagnosis to start an advanced urology treatment.

What does a urologist do on the first visit?

The urologist examines the urinary system of the patient physically during the first visit. With the physical examination as well as the overview of the medical past of the patient, the urologist comes up with a diagnosis and moves on to the treatment process.

Why would you need to see a urologist?

A urologist is an expert on the urinary system of the human body, meaning that any problems that an individual is experiencing with his/her urinary tract can be treated by the urologist.

How do I prepare for a urologist appointment?

Before the urology consultation meeting, the patients are expected to look up the urologist to make sure he/she is the one for them to get an advanced urology service. The patients are also expected to be open about their medical past as well as the medications they use. In other words, the patients are recommended to overview their medical history and write down the medications they use so that they can provide the necessary information to their urologist during the meeting.

What are urology problems?

There is a wide range of urology problems, from urinary tract infections to kidney stones and even cancer.

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