
What is Vaginoplasty? 

Vaginoplasty, also known as vaginal rejuvenation, is a serious surgical procedure that is narrowing the inner and outer muscles of the vagina. 

How is Vaginoplasty surgery done? 

During the vaginoplasty, the already existing tissue is reshaped to achieve a vaginal canal and the labia. Although there are multiple techniques in the vaginoplasty procedure, the most preferred technique is the penile inversion in which a penile skin is utilized to create the vaginal liner. 

The reasons for having Vaginoplasty

While the operation is often preferred by the transgender woman to have a vagina, the cisgender woman also may require vaginoplasty to have a tighter vagina especially after childbirth or due to the aging process. Vaginoplasty results often make the patients happy with a tighter vagina. 

Before the Vaginoplasty operation

About ten days before the vaginoplasty, the patients are required to stop consuming any blood thinner medication, as well as herbal supplements. It is also recommended to not shave the vagina region during this period.

After the Vaginoplasty operation

Following the vaginoplasty, the patients are advised to not exercise for about a month, while also avoiding sexual intercourse for about 1.5 months. It takes about 6 weeks for the surgery to recover completely. 

Is Vaginoplasty harmful?

Vaginoplasty is not more harmful than any other surgical operation.

What are the risks of Vaginoplasty?

Some of the possible risks of vaginoplasty can be summarised as infection, clitoral necrosis, urinary retention, and bleeding. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Does vaginoplasty make you tighter?

Yes. Vaginoplasty provides a tighter vaginal canal.

Can you have children after a vaginoplasty?

Even though it is technically possible to have children after the vaginoplasty, it is not usually advised to do so. Since vaginoplasty before and after makes a great difference, having a child afterward may cause the muscles on the vagina to loosen once again. 

Does a vaginoplasty ever heal?

Within a week after the surgery, the patients are often able to go back to their day-to-day lives. However, complete healing can take more than a year.

Is a vaginoplasty permanent?

Yes. Unless there is an extreme situation such as childbirth, vaginoplasty lasts for years.

How much does Vaginoplasty cost?

Although vaginoplasty cost differs from one hospital to another, the price range is often between $4,000-$20,000.

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