
What is Varicocelectomy? 

Varicocelectomy is an operation to treat the varicocele that is seen on the scrotum and restricts the blood flow to the reproductive organs.

How is Varicocelectomy surgery done? 

During the Varicocelectomy surgery, multiple incisions are done in the lower abdomen area, through which a laparoscope is being inserted. Then, gas is leaked through the abdomen so that procedure can be done in a wider environment. Then, the widened blood vessels are being removed to enable proper blood flow to the reproductive system.

The reasons for having Varicocelectomy

The biggest reason for getting a Varicocelectomy is infertility since the lack of blood flow through the reproductive organs often ends up in infertility.

Before the Varicocelectomy operation 

Ahead of the operation, the patients are recommended to be open with their surgeon about the medications they take, while stopping consuming blood thinners. 

After the Varicocelectomy operation

Following the operation, patients might experience mild pain that can last for about 3-6 weeks. Swelling and bruises can also be seen on the scrotum, which would fade away within a month. It takes a couple of days for the patients to return to their regular daily life.

What are the risks of Varicocelectomy?

Persistent varicocele, bruising and infection as well as hypersensitivity on the testicles can be listed as complications that can be seen with the Varicocelectomy operation/

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Varicocelectomy surgery?

Varicocelectomy is the operation to remove the widened veins inside the scrotum.

Is varicocele operation painful?

No. The operation causes only mild pain.

Does removing varicocele improve fertility?

Even though studies do not prove the direct impact of Varicocelectomy on fertility, some experts believe that widened veins are related to sperm issues and thus recommend Varicocelectomy to increase sperm quality.

What can you not do after Varicocelectomy?

Any heavy physical activities, including bicycle riding, and weight lifting are forbidden for about a month after the surgery.

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