Body Plastic surgery

Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
What is body plastic surgery?
Plastic surgery operations, which are performed either as a personal preference or to eliminate any deformation in the body, are a surgical discipline that covers all kinds of aesthetic interventions on the body. Although it is generally being publicized under the labels of cosmetics and aesthetics, reconstructive surgery, which forms the other side of the coin, also constitutes an important part of plastic surgery operations.
Reconstructive surgery can be summarized as the treatment and compensation of any tissue and organ loss that affects the body. These losses may be congenital or acquired. Burns, deformities, vascular masses, limb ruptures, and tissue tumourstumors are somesome of the cases covered by reconstructive surgery. In addition to classical surgical methods, alternative interventions such as laser systems or microsurgery are also used in the intervention of these cases.
Aesthetic surgery, on the other hand, refers to the entirety of the interventions performed to beautify the body. Rhinoplasty, or more commonly known as nose job, comes forefront as one of the leading aesthetic surgical operations. Nose through rhinoplasty; It can be enlarged, reduced, thinned, or rasped upon the patient's demand. The bridge inofof the nose can be eliminated, the nostrils can be reduced or the tip of the nose can be lifted. These operations are also effective in preventing various issues such as breathing problems while being an aesthetic intervention at the same time.
Another popular cosmetic surgery is breast intervention operations. With these operations, the breast can be reduced, enlarged and sagging, or or any tribal type can be removed. Although breast operations are generally preferred by female patients, gynaecomastiagynecomastia, that is, breast enlargement cases can be intervened in male patients by either liposuction or tissue cutting.
Other aesthetic interventions performed on the face include blepharoplasty (eyelid aesthetics), which removes wrinkles and sagging of the eyelids, eyebrow lift surgery, facelift operations that pull the wrinkled skin towards the back of the ear and injecting oil into the face and lips. Restructuring of the chin and cheekbones through synthetic prostheses is also among the popular face surgeries operated under the label of aesthetic operations.
Liposuction, which is one of the all-time hit aesthetic interventions, is the name given to the removal of fat deposits in the body. This intervention is carried out through admissions and an aspirator. The procedure is very popular, especially among individuals who want to lose weight. Another aesthetic operation that is preferred with weight changes in the body is a tummy tuck. This operation, which is performed especially after sudden or excessive weight loss, is often practisedpracticed in combination with liposuction. After the operation, the abdominal area becomes flat and tight. Liposuction is also frequently preferred in leg aesthetics since it is effective in removing the fat tissue in the leg.
Among other popular surgical procedures, ear aesthetics, which are especially preferred to eliminate the appearance of prominent ears, and genital area surgeries, which are favouredfavored with requests such as removing sagging in the genital area and narrowing the vagina, can be listed.
Aesthetic surgery is a broad topic that can be encountered in very diverse forms and cases. The main determining factor in these operations is the patient's demands and needs. Since it causes serious changes in the appearance of the body, it is of great importance that it be performed in high-quality hospitals by expert surgeons.

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